PGA Advanced Professional

Nicola Stroud: Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs Private Lessons & "Tee2Green Programme"

Q: Why should I have lessons with you?

I understand that it must be really difficult to decide who to believe will deliver on their promises, who you can trust, and who is in it just for the money and doesn’t really want listen to your fears and frustrations. After all, you hear so many stories about people who have lessons and “take four steps backwards before they take a few steps forwards” and let’s face it, you are probably already struggling with your game which is why you are viewing my website. 

At the end of the day it is your precious time, your game and your life (not to mention your money!) that is at stake here.  Whilst golf is “just a game”, to those going through bad times, it can often reduce us to tears.  Your welfare and development is so important to me and I will be with you every step of the way.  I realise this isn’t an easy decision and it is not to be taken lightly, however, I promise to help you smash your goals, leave you feeling excited to play golf and confident you can play more consistently.

Q: Why are you different from the other Golf Pro’s I’ve had lessons with?

When you have a lesson with most Golf Professionals, you will usually have your 30 minute lesson on a range, often with technical language straight from the training manual.  You may see a video showing you where you are going wrong and go away with a few things to work on, sometimes too many things that your head spins!  Then you will return at some point when you have practiced, or not!  And repeat the process again.   As a PGA Golf Professional, I realise that this is not okay, because it doesn’t produce the results you deserve.  This lack of results leads to more frustration and an increased lack of confidence.

The Tee2Green coaching programme is based on many years of experience of teaching men and ladies, it has been formulated with my clients' frustrations and actions in mind and my own frustrations and actions in mind.  It is a programme that develops your game as a whole from swing technique, to driving, long shots, approach shots, chipping and putting and all the shots in between that cause you problems.  We will have an in depth consultation and a personalised development programme (PDP) will be devised, you will get regular review sessions to check your goals and to check your progress so that your PDP is regularly refreshed and updated to suit your progress.

We will commit to work together as a team and I promise to give you my undivided one on one attention and maximum results that last a lifetime. 

Q: Do I get advice on all parts of my game?

Yes, following our consultation we will work on any part of your game that needs attention, plus we will continuously monitor and work on any other areas that are stopping you from reaching your goals.  We may work on your putting, bunker play or iron shots but we may also work on skills you need on the course such as mental strength and playing from difficult lies.  We will work on whatever area of your game you need.

I am not interested in quick fixes that just cover up an issue that then leads to other problems down the line.  We will work on changes and skills that will last you forever, ensuring you long term enjoyment of your game.

Q: Are the sessions on the golf course?

Sessions may take place on the short game areas, putting green, range, indoor studio and golf course.  It depends on what we are working on in that session.

Q: What if I’m not very good at understanding technical information, will I be able to understand the programme?

The programme is personalised to you as an individual and that includes the type of language I use, the ways in which you learn such as visual learning, and your ability.  That is why the consultation at the start of the programme is so important and so in depth.  I coach in a very easy to understand way;  I always coach the person and not a manual or philosophy.

Q: How long are the sessions for?

It depends, your sessions are designed with a goal in mind, so whatever is needed for that particular client.  I have 60 minute sessions, 45 minute sessions and 30 minute “check up” sessions, I also have 90 minute sessions for on course coaching.  You pay for sessions and results so the sessions are designed with that in mind, not limited to a time scale.

Q: How do I pay?

The majority of my clients pay for their programme like they pay for everything else – on a monthly basis by standing order.  This is because we set up your sessions in advance on a monthly basis.  However, I can take cash, cheque, card payments and bacs transfers when requested.

Q: Do you coach in the evenings and weekends?

Yes, I coach three evenings a week and Sundays. I will be as flexible as I can to suit your lifestyle.  At Carmarthen GC we have a floodlight undercover range; at Pennard GC an indoor swing studio.

Q: How long would I need to be in the programme for?

That depends on your goals, your level of commitment and whether you want to keep getting results.  I hope that you will love working with me so much that you will never feel like you want to leave this great community of which you will become part of.  

Q: Is my programme tailored for me?

Yes absolutely! Everyone is different and unique with different goals and playing styles.  “One hat does NOT fit all!”  This is why I offer the best personal service in the area and why I can guarantee your results.

Q: What happens if I can’t make some of the sessions?

We will agree sessions a month in advance so your sessions can be rescheduled to suit.


FAQs Group Beginner Classes

Q: Do I need to be a member of the Club/venue?

No you don’t need to become a member of the Club to enjoy your group lessons, however, further down the line when you are loving your golf so much you will be invited to join the Academy membership which is terrific value for money just £100pa.  This will enable you to practise and play more and enjoy the benefits that come with this.

Q: Do I need golf clubs or special shoes?

No all equipment is provided.  All you need to wear are flat trainers or shoes. You may wish to wear waterproof shoes once we start going out on the course, however this is purely for comfort.

Q: What can I wear?

You can wear whatever you want.  I advise you to wear loose, comfortable clothing that allows you to move, nothing bulky. You may wish to wear waterproofs when it is windy or a little wet.  Providing you are warm and wear a smile then I’m happy!  If you have long hair then a hair band is essential.

Q: What if I’m not a natural?

Very few people are natural at golf, I promise to guide you and look after you and ensure you will be fine and enjoy your golf.  In 20 plus years I've never had anyone who can't hit a ball and who hasn't enjoyed going out onto the golf course.

Q: What if I’ve never played before?

Everyone in the group is either brand new to golf or tried golf a long time ago but only on a driving range.

Q: What if I don’t know anyone who plays golf?

The classes are very sociable experiences so you will soon make friends.  All new golfers are encouraged to practise together between classes.  We use WhatsApp to communicate so it creates a very good vibe and close group.

Q: Will I get to play on the golf course?

Absolutely, golf is a game played on the course. programmes are predominantly held on the course whilst the New2Golf and Get Back2golf programmes are a mix of range and course over a period of time.

Q: What are the different classes? is designed specifically with women in mind, it is held predominantly on the course and is an extremely sociable experience.  You can enjoy the experience through weekly classes and one day events.

The New2golf and Get Back2golf classes are for teenagers and adults, both male and female.  Perfect for couples.  To begin with classes are held on the range and focus on swing technique, then short game such as putting and chipping.  Towards the end of the programme we will go out on the course to put your newly developed skills to the test.  You can enjoy this programme through weekly classes and one day events.

Q: Shall I do group sessions or one to one coaching?

That is entirely your choice, it really all depends on your budget, the type of social experience you want and what type of learner you are.

Q: How can I pay?

Payment is required in advance for all classes.  For you pay online via For New2Golf and Get Back2golf you pay directly to Nicola Stroud via bacs or cheque.

Q: How long would I need to have lessons for?

For as long as you need them or for as long as you are enjoying them.  Classes are designed so that you continuously learn and develop.

Q: What happens if I can’t make some of the classes?

Unfortunately you are paying for your place so most of the time you will have to forfeit the class, however, there are often extra classes so you can sometimes make up missed classes then.

Q: What happens in bad weather?

We will always endeavour to continue with classes regardless of poor weather (golf is an outside sport after all), however, sometimes if the wind is too strong or the rain is too heavy, fog too dense and in times of thunder and lightening we will abandon the class.  An extra date will then be made usually at the end of the programme so you can catch up.

Q: I’m not technically minded, will I be able to understand the lesson?

I always use very simple and easy to understand language.  Nothing is technical and everything is repeated many times over the time of the programme.

Q: Golf Clubs seem very posh and not welcoming to women; is it normal to be really scared to enter the Golf Club?

Yes, there are sadly many preconceived ideas about Golf Clubs.  Nowadays, Golf Clubs are full of normal people like you and me who are just there to enjoy playing golf and meeting friends, so you have nothing to worry about .  I will always let you know where I will be so that when you arrive you know exactly where to go and where to find me.  During your first lesson I will show you around the Clubhouse and introduce you to key members of staff.  We will usually always have a coffee afterwards so you can get used to the environment too.

Q: Can I bring a friend?

Absolutely, more the merrier!  Bring as many as you like!

Q: What if I have a health issue such as a bad back?

You must always let me know, we will have a good chat prior and discuss your flexibility etc. so that I can alter certain movements if need be.